18/06/73Avyakt BapDada Revised: 05/09/94
Are all of you stabilised on the throne of your elevated stage of selfrespect? Do you know the form of your elevatedselfrespect? At the present time, you are the direct creation of the Creator of the world, the first creation, the mostelevated creation, the jewels of BapDada's eyes who are the children and so the masters, the ones seated on the heartthrone, the jewels of the forehead, BapDada's helpers in His task, the world benefactors, the image of support for theworld and the most elevated examples in front of the world. Do you maintain the awareness of such selfrespect? Doyou constantly remain stabilised on the throne of selfrespect? Or, are you not able to stabilise yourself on the throne? The very name is the throne (sinhasan seat of the lion). What does this mean? Who can stabilise themselves onthis? Only those who are complete with all powers, that is, those who are stabilised in this stage can sit on thisthrone. A sinh means a lion or a lioness. If you have not yet become a lion, you are not then able to stabilise yourselfin this stage. Who is the throne for? For those who are the first creation of the Almighty Authority. Is the form of allpowers as visible in the first creation as it is in the Creator? Do you know the speciality of the present time of the firstcreation? Due to this speciality, you even become the masters of the Creator, you become even more worshipworthythan the Father. The Father also sings the praise of such a creation: so what is this speciality? Souls sing the praise ofthe Father, but the Almighty Authority Himself sings the praise of such souls, that is, souls are praised by theSupreme Soul. The Father Himself repeatedly remembers such souls every day. What is the main speciality of suchspecial souls through which they became so elevated? Do you know this speciality of yours? You must definitelyhave some speciality which is greater than even the Father's. Do you know it? In which aspect are you even ahead ofthe Father? Tell Baba of this specality. In which aspect are you ahead of the Father? Are there only the Shaktis inthe eight jewels or can even the Pandavs come in that? When you have the consciousness of being brothers, the soulcan become one of the eight jewels. Here, there is no question of being a Shakti or a Pandav, but of the spiritualstage. Both can come. Even the Pandavs have a seat within the eight.
Achcha, what is the first speciality which makes souls even the master of the Father? You then become even moreelevated than the Father. This speciality is to reveal the Father, to bring them into a close relationship with the Fatherand to make them the heirs of the Father. This is the duty of you, the first creation. The Father is revealed throughthe children. You are considered to be special because through your faith, on the basis of your Brahmin life, andthrough your experience, you revealed both the incorporeal Father and sakar father Brahma to the whole world. Thespeciality of revealing the Father belongs to the children, and therefore, in return, the Father Himself remains in Hisincognito form and reveals the Shakti Army and the Pandav Army. This is the speciality of the children and, becauseof this, they are worshipped even more than the Father. Do you have all these specialities in your awareness or doyou forget them? The speciality of a Brahmin of the confluence age is that he is constantly the embodiment ofremembrance. If, after becoming a Brahmin, you forget, then what is the difference between a Brahmin and a shudra? What is the uniqueness in the life of dying alive? Forgetfulness is worldly, that is, it is the custom of this world,whereas the custom of Brahmins is to constantly be the embodiment of remembrance. Does anyone ever forget thecustoms, systems and code of conduct of his lokik clan? So, is it possible that Brahmins would forget the customsand systems of their Brahmin clan? The customs and systems of Brahmins are unique. To follow these customs andsystems is easy because since you are Brahmins, it is difficult to adopt the customs and systems of another clan. Forthese are your original customs and systems. It is a question of your natural life. It is a question of the sanskars ofyour Brahmin birth, and so what can be difficult? What are the sanskars and nature of Brahmin life?
All the divine virtues are the nature of the Brahmins, and this is referred to as a divine nature. Therefore, the divine virtues are naturally the property of the Brahmins; that is, the nature of Brahmin life is all the divine virtues.Maturity, to be entertaining, cheerfulness, tolerance and contentment: these are the qualities of the nature of Brahminlife, and are the sanskars of being world servers. Since these are the sanskars and nature of Brahmin life, then toadopt any virtue, or to renounce the consciousness of "I" in order to become a server, or to be a constant tapaswi or tobe an embodiment of remembrance is an easy and ordinary thing, is it not? If someone has a sanskar of anotherprevious birth, or if he has a particular nature from birth, then would he find it difficult to transform that or to movealong with that? Just as you also give excuses because of being under the influence of your weaknesses, saying thatthis is your nature or your sanskars, in the same way, should it be easy or difficult for Brahmins to continue with thesanskars and nature of Brahmin life? If someone asks you to do something that is against the nature of the divinevirtues, then it should be difficult for you Brahmins. What are you in the practical form at present? Do you naturallyhave the sanskars and nature of being a shudra? Or, are the sanskars and nature of being a Brahmin natural? Since these are the original sanskars of your life, there is no need to make effort for this. But, as you were told earlier, you are not able to stabilise yourself in the seat of your selfrespect, you let go of your throne, and you forget the fortune you have created, and this is why you experience difficulty to maintain your original nature and sanskars. Do you understand? There is praise for the Father with regard to this aspect, which is also the praise of the children. "TheOne who makes the difficult things easy." The praise of the Father is that He is the one who makes the difficultthings easy, that He is the one who makes a mountain into a mustard seed or cotton wool. Cotton wool is so light andso clean, whereas a mountain is so difficult and heavy. There is such a vast difference between a mountain and amustard seed or cotton wool. Therefore, does the praise of the Father not belong to you? So, stabilise yourself inyour stage of selfrespect and constantly keep your specialities in your awareness. Every thought and every action ofspecial souls will be special, that is, they will be elevated. Achcha.
To those who make the difficult things easy; to the worldbenefactor children and those who are the embodiment ofremembrance who, in the same way as the Father, use their every thought and every second for the special task ofworld benefit; and to the elevated souls who are seated on BapDada's heartthrone, love, remembrances and namastefrom BapDada.
BapDada meeting groups personally.
Are you becoming intense effort makers whilst receiving all blessings from the Bestower of blessings in theland of blessings? Is the transformation that you have brought about in the speed of effort eternal or for only a shorttime? No matter what situation comes in front of you or what obstacles come to frighten you, what are the obstacles in front of the one who has the company of the Almighty Father? What will the obstacle be transformed into in frontof such a soul? The obstacle will become a means for deep love. So you will remain cheerful, will you not? If anyperson or any situation becomes instrumental in creating an obstacle, there should not be a vision of dislike or any waste thoughts created for that one, but there should be "wah, wah" emerging for that one. If you have this vision,then your vision will become very elevated. No matter what others are like, your vision and attitude should always beone that is filled with good wishes and benevolent feelings. Benefit should be visible in every aspect. You, thechildren of the Benefactor Father, are also benevolent, are you not? After becoming a benefactor, there cannot beanything in which there is no benefit. Have this faith and become the embodiment of remembrance, and you willnever fluctuate.
When someone wears red or green glasses, then he sees everything as red or green. In the same way, you should allbe wearing the glasses of being benevolent on the third eye. The third eye is benevolent. It is not possible that yousee any lack of benefit through it. People who do not have knowledge think that there isn't any benefit in something,but for you, there is benefit merged in even that. For instance, people think that destruction is not beneficial, but youknow that it is only through this that the gates to liberation and salvation will open. When anything comes in front ofyou, there is benefit merged in all of that. When you continue to move along with such faith in the intellect, what willyou attain? You will develop a constant and stable stage. You should not stop because of anything. Those who stopare weak. Mahavirs never stop. It should not be that when an obstacle comes, you stop. Achcha.
From the moment you wake up at amrit vela, you have to make yourself move along the rails of attention foronly then will the train move along well. You have responsibility for the whole world, not just for Bharat. Everyaction of an elevated soul is great, is it not? So you have to check that throughout the day you did not speak anywrong words. Or, whether you had any wasteful thoughts in your mind or whether you performed any wrong action.Let there be attention on every thought in advance. By being yogyukt, your thoughts, words and actions will automatically be yuktiyukt. Achcha.
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